Kosovo - Worshiping the Americans

Giant posters of Clinton everywhere in Pristina.

The Albanians of Kosovo express their gratitude to the Americans in every way, because thanks to them they were relieved of the Serbian domination and were able to form their own state. In every city and village, and especially in the capital Pristina, there are replicas of the Statue of Liberty and giant posters of President Clinton, whose name has also been given to highways and avenues.

Statues of Liberty on roofs.
Serbia the scapegoat

Kosovo is the only Muslim country in the world whose entire population worships NATO and considers it a liberating power, a protector of poor countries and persecuted nations. Americans, who have been engaged in endless bloody battles in Islamic countries, search for opportunities to renounce their role as modern crusaders and achieve a moral influence on the conscience of the Muslim world.

Yugoslavia was the ideal Christian country that they could ostensibly and exemplarily punish for its oppressive policy against the Muslim Albanians of Kosovo. As the Soviets' protective umbrella of Yugoslavia had collapsed and the latter’s austere communist leadership was delaying resigning, Americans mercilessly attacked the Serbs in order to win over the Muslims, not only the ones of Kosovo but those around the world.

However, the Americans did not manage to fool anyone, as they were almost simultaneously hit by powerful Islamist attacks, the worst and most painful of all at the World Trade Center. As it seems, the recently Islamized populations of the Balkans are the only Muslims in the world that view Americans as liberators.
SOURCE: www.greecewithin.com


Shops with Clinton's giant posters. Shops with Clinton's giant posters.
Highways in honor of Clinton Highways in honor of Clinton



*Mandatory Fields