Tag: Litochoron

  • Olympus - Virgin environment

    61 olympos arxegoni omorfia

  • Litochoron, Pieria - The saddle can't be withstood by all animals

    The last saddler of Litochoron fills a saddle with rye straw."Like all men don't wear the same size of clothes, animals need different kinds of saddles as well. In the previous years, animals used to get sweat and hurt by heavy loads. The animals experienced poverty just like people did. People couldn't get enough of food, how were they supposed to feed their animals? Few people used to feed them, the rest of them just left them in their fate, wandering in the mountains looking for food".

  • Litochoron, Pieria - Shoes made of pure leather

    There are still some devoted customers who keep ordering shoes from traditional shoemakers. "At first I used cowhide (red and black leather) to make strong shoes for mule riders. They had nails in the soles so as not to be worn out too quickly. Then I used to make sewn shoes as well, which were fashionable for grooms. Nowadays there are still some aficionados who insist in ordering sewn shoes. They seem to like them and pay good sums of money for them. In the last few years though, I was hardly making by with my job, as the price of leather shot up because of the appearance of industrial shoes. From 30 drachmas per kilo it reached 15 euros and counting".