
The residents of the villages around Prespes tell a story about the creation of the lakes. "Once upon a time, in the middle of the fields there was a big drinking fountain, from which people got the water for irrigation. One night someone forgot to turn it off and the water flooded the fields. That is how the lakes were created and they will never run dry because the fountain in the lake bed can't be turned off". Outside the water of Prespa there were only two big rocks left, St. Achilleios and Vidronisi islets. It only takes a few minutes to walk all over the first one, which is inhabited by very few people. In the second one that is even smaller, there are countless birds nesting. Landing and nuisance of every kind are forbidden in Vidronisi. The nests of birds are so many, that the rough human footsteps would agitate the serenity and would be a catastrophe for the eggs and the chicks. Even St. George's church on the island has no service for the sake of cormorants and pelicans. (Source: www.grrecewithin.com, Text-Photos: Giorgos Zafeiropoulos)

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